Saturday, July 4, 2009

Giving Thanks and Overcoming Covetousness

Consumerism has taken over our planet. Everywhere you go you see advertisements urging your sense to buy and use. People all over are selling their wares to get more money and buy more stuff. Where does it end?

This winter times were tight for our family. We ate pinto beans at least four times a week. Instead of being grateful for those beans, I started to get complacent and want more. This began a few months long bout with covetousness. I spent too many days crying over what I didn't have and focusing on what my neighbors didn't have until I got into a full blown depression. Worry consumed my soul and trusting in God went out the window. I spent these times spending many hours a day in the Word of God trying to figure out how I got into this mess and how I could get out.

So many people this year along lost their homes and went without food and shelter. This really wore heavy upon me. I had even heard of people getting grudges against God because they were not living to the standard they were accustom. This is very sad and very hard to fight.

Globally news stations were foretelling broken economies and doom. Every station in every country was broadcasting these negative scenarios. Ignorant of the power of intention in our words we began to live out the drama that was written for us.

It was a tough year. Our family began cutting wood to heat our home because we could not afford other means. I stayed at home more often because gas was outrageous. We were not the only family to make these changes. I saw many families cutting and buying wood. The local trading paper was full of wood heaters and wood for sale.

There is really no need in me painting a picture that almost everyone has seen. Life has gotten more difficult for many people especially, since unemployment has been on the rise. The government plans to raise the minimum wage which could ultimately raise the unemployment rate some more. Where does it all end? It doesn't we just have to persist until the end. Keep going, keep waking up, keep trying, keep getting back up.

Diligence has to replace impatience. Patience has to replace frustration. Thankfulness must replace our needs list. Maintenance must replace disposal lifestyles.

Our forefathers came to this country to build communities of liberty. America has been very obsessive - compulsive. You need only look to the stock market to prove that very point. Only 60 years ago, people here in America didn't enjoy running water and a shower, or flushing toilet, or sauna bathtub. We could not drive hours on end in fast cars, the main form of transportation was horse and buggy. We did not have 400 channels on televisions to keep our minds occupied constantly. There was not internet or indoor lighting. Many people in the world still live this lifestyle. Sadly enough the riches has not made us a happier society, only a society of greed, bitter and covetousness.

Our time is now to build character for the generations to come. One technique I have been using lately to overcome my wants is to recognize when I say. "Wow" I would like to have one of those. When I catch myself wanting a new car or pair of shoes. I now stop and thank God for providing the for the owner with their gift. I ask God to bless their life and when I am finished praying that pray my want seems to disappear.
Another thing I have started doing is thanking God for giving me the things I have. I also thank Him for allowing me to withstand in tough times and realize that God is the only one who can give an increase. I trust I will be worthy and prepared for mine when I receive it.

I pray these words have encouraged you and broadened your perspective of the value of things we have to enjoy in this life. It has also been my observation that people are more important than things and we need to invest in God's people instead of looking for luxurious things that will wither and decay.

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